
Monday, October 12, 2009


The weekend is over. The epic weekend full of contra dancing, laughing, movies, 308 Maple St., and other totally amazing adventures is over. Now I'm back in weekday life. Kinda sucks. I realize just how much crap I have to do, what I'm behind on, what I missed, what I have to work extra hard for now, and what needs to be organized. Damn.

I was so organized with my schedule before I came to college. Now I feel completely disorganized. My planner is being used, but I get so confused because of everything happening and the weird scheduling conflicts and times. It's really awkward.

I have this group project in my religion class that I have to do. Now, failure is not an option and my group members don't seem very motivated to work. Maybe it's just me not being able to trust other people when it comes to school work, but I am NOT gonna fail. Even if I have to do all the work myself.

Peace out!


  1. totally know how you feel!!! (about the schoolwork part). I think i actually did a good job about getting my hw done n' shit. lmfao. you could have just brought everything over and we could have just made one night completely devoted to hw. that might have helped. oh well. good luck with everything. if you decide to come over this afternoon bring homework with you!!!!!!!

  2. I sorta sad I decided to stay home now! contra dancing sounds pretty great
    but hey, there will be other times for that!!
