
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Workout: Day 1 (And Other Things)

This semester is gonna be some kind of crazy. And it's also gonna be some kind of fun. I just have to sift through all the homework and class crap in order to get to the good stuff like Music Makers and 308.

Speaking of classes, Music Makers, and 308...I started classes on Tuesday. busiest day had to be the first! But it wasn't that bad. Of course, it was the first day. You never do anything on the first day and judging by the syllabi I was given, I think my eyes are going to bleed from the amount of work I'm going to have to keep up on (of course, I'm not letting my parents know about that little tid bit). However, as dangerously busy and full of work these classes are, I'm so excited to be taking them! They're kind of interesting and thought-provoking and fun! Especially Fundamentals of Scenery (duh!) and Science Fiction/Fantasy Literature. So pumped to start reading War of the Worlds (which I should do tonight...).

On another note, Music Makers was totally awesome last night! We got new music, and Becky was really happy to have me back. I was so happy to be singing again, especially with Megan and Velvet! Speaking of which, Megan got a solo! So proud of her! She was reluctant at first but I don't really think Becky gave her much of a choice, so rock it out girl! After Music Makers I went back to 308 and spent the night!

Finally, today I started working out. I know, can you believe it? Ryan Howland is working out? Oh my gosh! Well, I was so inspired by Megan because she has been so incredibly amazing at reaching her goals and through signing up with this weight loss program at Champlain that I decided I would start too because let's face it, I have weight to lose...So I'm right there supporting Megan and I'm really happy and excited to be doing this with her. We've also decided that we're going to start walking on Saturdays, starting this Saturday on our old high school's track when we go home to see the youngins perform! Watch out world!

Peace out!

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