
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Episode 602: What Kate Does

Once again, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT! Go to to watch the episode if you haven't already.

Wow...I think things are finally starting to come full circle. Ideas brought up in the first two seasons are being seen again and developed into the end. For instance: the INFECTION! Major part of the plot. And even if the dumb people on the ABC forums can't seem to figure out what's going on (seriously, they have their facts WAY out of order), I'm sure the rest of us can surely see what's going on on LOST!

"What Kate Does" was an awesome episode last night, obviously playing off of the Season 2 episode entitled "What Kate Did", this episode slowed the pace after the mega thrust we had into this season with the premiere and returns to focus on a central character, Kate. My projection is that this is what is going to happen throughout the course of the season, and instead of a normal "flashback" occuring for the central character of the episode, it will be a "flashsideways". (?) Right. Anyway, throughout the flashsideways of this episode, it appears that even if Flight 815 landed, Kate is still destined to be a part of Claire's and Aaron's life. Also, it seems as though Ethan was always destined to stick needles into Claire. ?

It would also seem as though the psychic who insisted that Aaron be raised by Claire still accomplished his goal by sending Claire on Flight 815, only instead of knowning the plane would crash, the psychic knew that the couple Claire was going to would not accept the baby. Or maybe he knew that all of these events would play out, but the result would still be the same. It's a theory.

Meanwhile, Sayid has been INFECTED by that same illness Rousseau's team was infected with (as we have seen many times, especially played out in Season 5). This was diagnosed by Dogan and Lennon with electroids on Sayid's nipples (yikes! :P) and burning him with a poker. We still don't know what the illness is yet, or what it has to do with the Jacob/Smoke Monster struggle. Also, Jack isn't buying it as always and almost kills himself because he can't seem to trust these people who are trying to protect him! Although these people are trying to kill Sayid, they have good reason just like Rousseau had good reasons of killing her teammates.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the episode. I especially loved Josh Holloway's beautiful acting moment on the dock with Kate telling her how it's his fault Juliet is dead and how he was going to propose to her. I was left with tears on my cheeks seeing him portray truthfully the pain Sawyer was feeling in that moment. Beautiful. Also, I love how Jin can speak English now. It makes me giggle. And I especially love that he was the one to discover Claire in the jungle. But apparently she has been INFECTED as well, according to Dogan? Whoa! Can't wait till next week! See you then!


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