
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Episode 605: Lighthouse

I want to start this entry by talking about how epic the snowstorm was. Just look at these pictures:It was an epic downfall of continuous snow for about 24 hours straight. After getting over my initial shock this morning (I had to sleep in the nude basically at 308 because I forgot my PJ's), I was pretty okay with the snow. It made everything look beautiful, as snow often tends to do.Okay, on to Lost! DON'T FORGET---SPOILER ALERT! ABC.GO.COM!!!
I think last night was the first time I was actually happy about a Jack episode. Usually, Jack's episodes make him all whiny and after awhile I just get sick of them. I mean, I think Jack's the only character who has had two flashback episodes in the same season. But this episode made me appreciate Jack and the way his character has developed.
On the island, Jack and Hurley go off on a mission for Jacob. This leads to some of the best Jack-Hurley moments I have ever seen on Lost. Whether it's Hurley telling Jack that Jacob is like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Jack screaming at Hurley to talk to Jacob, Jack and Hurley were on top of it. Also on top of it was Claire whose wild side scares me. Whether she was asking Jin if he were still his friend while digging into his flesh, talking about killing Kate, or smiling at Not-Locke her lovely "friend", this Claire is the very definition of scary. I did really like seeing Jacob's protective nature coming out over Hurley and Jack. I could see in him the love he has for these people. I really do think that love exists. It's cute to see. I think next week is when the firestorm is going to begin and the epic struggle between Jacob and the smoke monster will kick off. But who is this mystery person coming to the island? And who is the smoke monster? He seems to be doing a very good job at manipulating people onto his side. He already has Sawyer and Claire, who knows maybe Jin and Kate are next....
Okay, now for my favorite part of this episode: the flash-sideways!!! This was the best one of the flash-sideways we have seen, including the first even though that one was riddled with parallels...but this one was the best! Seeing Jack grow as a person even without the bearing struggle of his father was amazing to see....and he has a SON! The moment where Jack finds his son David at the audition was one of the most beautiful moments in all of Lost. It was like Glee and Lost had combined into a beautiful, wonderful thing of beauty (yes, I know).

Anyway, those are my thoughts on Lighthouse!


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