
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Episode 606: Sundown

And now, onto the Lost blog...SPOILER ALERT!

First of all, I just want to say that evil Sayid scares the crap out of me. We kind of saw a glimpse of this Sayid when he shot little Ben Linus, but never to this magnitude. I believe the INFECTION is the "evil incarnate" that Dogen spoke of, and this evil corrupts the minds of people affected by it. This is what happened to Rousseau's crew, Claire, and now Sayid as with a smile on his face he tells Ben, "It's too late for me..." That was incredible acting! Go Naveen Andrews!

The flash-sideways in this episode was not all that important to the storyline except Sayid is no longer after Nadia because he feels as though he doesn't deserve her. The main awesome points of the flash-sideways were a) Martin Keemey is STILL dead, and apparently he makes good eggs and b) Jin? Hopefully there's a Jin/Sun flash-sideways soon. I need this cleared up.

As for that long ass-kicking scene in the beginning: WOW. Before that, I thought the fight between Sayid and Keemey in season 4 was the greatest fight I'd ever seen on TV, but now it has to be this Sayid/Dogen epic battle. Also, in terms of that last and amazing smoke monster RAWR scene and finale at the end of the episode: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! That is the perfect description of everthing that happened. WOW again. I think I seriously peed myself during that entire sequence.

So, I just wanted to summarize where everyone is at right now, just to get it straight in my mind. (this is on-island, not in the flash-sideways)

1. The evil losties (Locke's Team of Evil) which include Not-Locke (aka Smokey), Claire (who said that "He is coming to the island..." Seeing how Kate and her were talking about Aaron at the time, I can only guess...?), Sayid, Sawyer, Jin (I'm presuming he's going to be traveling with them now), random Others who have lost their faith and/or are scared Locke will kill them (including Cindy and the kids), and an unsuspecting Kate who is completely lost
2. Jack and Hurley who are still at the lighthouse and were rescued from the horrible scene at the temple by Jacob.
3. The good losties (Jacob's Team of Good) which include Illana (who seems to know everything), Lapidus, Sun (who was so close to finding Jin, but sadly he's in the jungle somewhere, see above), Ben (that moment between Ben and Sayid was amazing, but now I think Ben's going to have some issues), and now Miles who met them as he was trying to escape the temple

4. Richard Who I'm guessing is still running around the jungle, freaking his freak.
5. Jacob Still dead, still like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Candidate Tracker:
X15-FordX (I'm guessing because he's going with Locke, you never know though)
X16-JarrahX (I think it's safe to say...)
42-Kwon (Could be either Sun or Jin, and it's still unclear where Jin's allegances lie)

Okay, that's my summary and thoughts on "Sundown." Stay tuned next week for more Lost!


1 comment:

  1. Just so you know, you're amazing and I love all of your recaps :)

    Oh, and your new background is wicked awesome.
