
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Episode 607: Dr. Linus

I'm kind of having to play catch up because of the lack of internet (I know, you're probably sick of me whining about it already), so here's the Lost blog, a couple of days late.


This episode was absolutely PERFECT! It reminded me a lot of the old season 1 episodes that were purely based on character development and the intertwining of flashback with island activities. It was almost harmonious. Dr. Linus is one of my new favorite episodes.

I'm going to begin with Ben's fate on the island and how Ben has become an amazing protagonist in this story. Also, Ilana became a great foil to Ben, and the moment where she says that she will have him was astounding. I was very happy to see that Ben chose not to follow Not-Locke, even though I think that's what everyone was assuming. Ben really is full of love even if he has done some horrible things. He loves Alex and everything he has done in his life has been for the island, but the only thing that truly ever mattered to him was her. This is shown to us through the flash-sideways with Ben as a teacher. These flash-sideways are just getting better and better, even if they did start out kind of rough. But now, they seem more clearly defined. Ben abandoned everything he had for Alex. Also, Roger is alive? and they left the island? Well, of course that kind of makes sense. I don't think these flash-sideways are necessarily what would have happened if the nuke went off, I think they are more of what would happen if Jacob hadn't touched anybody. We shall see....

More goings on on the island: Richard has lost his marbles. But Jack (now this is weird, because usually it's Jack losing his marbles) reigns him back in and shows him the power of faith and destiny. WOW. Plus, we got some more Hurley moments like "cheese curds" and "dude, we're gonna blow!"

The best thing that I loved about this episode was when Jack, Hurley, and Richard were reunited with Sun, Ilana, Miles, Lapidus, and Ben. It was an extremely powerful moment reminiscent of other moments in Lost like when everyone returns from the Other's camp in season 3, or when the members of the raft are reunited with their camp in season 2. Totally awesome. Also, this makes the two camps (Locke and Jacob) more well-defined. Plus, the Sun moment was epic when her and Hurley embraced.
Lastly, we found out that it is in fact Widmore making the trip back to the island. How he found it again, we may never know but I think Widmore plays a more major role in this power struggle of good vs. evil then we first thought...

So those are my thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did!


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