
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Episode 608: Recon

Happy St. Patrick's Day! And what a happy one it is! The sun is out, poodles are barking, people are cooking on their outdoor BBQs, and you don't need to wear a huge winter coat to go outside. It's beautiful. I love this time of year.

And now onto the Lost blog! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!

I really liked this episode. I'm usually not totally on top of Sawyer's episodes. The parts that really got to me emotionally during his previous centric episodes were when he was shown as a child. But now, I really feel like Sawyer is much easier of a character to connect to emotionally because of the character development he has gone through.

Also, this episode was Sawyer centric, but it was also somewhat Kate centric which was very nice to see. It once again connected the two of them, possibly solving the trouble with the love triangle? I'm not sure. We'll have to figure that out as things unfold. But there were really three parts working here in this episode: Sawyer's flash-sideways, Sawyer on Hydra Island, and Kate with Not-Locke's team of evil doers.

Sawyer's flash-sideways. Okay, first of all...when Charlotte was first introduced to Lost, there was NO WAY I expected to see this from her character. There was no way I saw her banging Sawyer in the future. Okay, now that I'm over that...Sawyer as a cop is badass. And Miles as a cop is also badass. I think Miles would make a wicked cool psychic cop. They had that whole partner thing down. It was great seeing them together again and the way they worked together was amazing. The one thing that stayed true in Sawyer's alternate reality was his hunt and hatred for Sawyer, and it was amazing to see this angst played out in a different situation. Good game. Also, Kate being arrested by Sawyer was amazing. Can't wait to see where that leads.

Sawyer on Hydra Island. Here is my description of what happened to Sawyer on Hydra Island: Awww...the Love Cage...AHHH! PLANE! AHHHH! DEAD BODIES! AHHH! ZOE! I don't trust you! AHHH! GUNS!!!! AHHHH!! WIDMORE!!! I'm gonna con all of you for a submarine to escape with Kate. The end. I was a little upset that all of the Ajira crew is dead because I was really hoping to write a fan fiction about them after Lost is done. (I'm serious, don't make fun of me, I like to write random stuff, okay!?)

I'm still not very sure about this part. My theory is that Locke is trying to lure Kate in through this charade with Claire. I don't know, it's a thought. I don't think that Claire is this genuine, however. She's supposed to be INFECTED with evil, right? Just like Sayid?
Kate with Not-Locke's team of evil doers. I felt so bad for Kate during this episode because she has no idea what's going on. When she was in the camp with everybody, she was so confused. I mean, who wouldn't be confused? There are Others everywhere, a very evil Sayid, and a crazy Claire who's about ready to shove a knife into your throat Sweeney Todd style. No wonder she went off into the jungle to cry. You'd cry too! Anyway, that bitchslap that Claire recieved from Locke was pretty crazy, and then Locke's little convo with Kate took it right off the edge. I don't think Not-Locke was talking about Locke's mother during his talk with Kate. I think the smoke monster was once a person, as has been hinted at before. How this plays into the grand scheme everything has yet to be shown, but I'm hoping that a lot will be revealed next week when it's time for Richard's story to be revealed! Time for campfire stories, kids!
Until then,


1 comment:

  1. So I was looking through your blog and being nostalgic and shit, and then I realized that we basically never comment. This is a travesty, obviously. So, yeah. <3333333333 You're the shit :)

    (oh, and I made like 80 typos just trying to type this out. Go me!)
