
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Episode 613: The Last Recruit

Yet another awesome episode bringing us closer and closer to the series finale. Before I start with the thinking and analyzing, let me show you how awesome my flat looks (and I've finished it since this. Just have to put finishing touches and then I'll show you the final product):


This episode was basically everyone-centric with the flash-sideways bringing us closer and closer to some sort of climax and everything on the island following suit. I love how the flash-sideways are bringing everyone together and Desmond is now basically working as the new Jacob. He is bringing everyone to their true destiny, and showing them that this life is not where they're supposed to be. Except for Hurley's flash-sideways last week, I think this week's was the best so far. Here's where everyone is at right now:
Jack (and David), Sun, Jin, Ben, and Locke are at the hospital.
Sayid, Sawyer, Miles, and Kate are at the police station after Sayid's epic arrest.
Claire, Desmond, and Ilana are/were at Ilana's lawyer office (what!? it was good to see Ilana again though after her little boom boom time). Also, it was awesome to see Claire and Jack get introduced to each other again.

So I think the flash-sideways are going to come to an epic point fairly soon. I don't know how it will tie in with what's going on on the island, but that's what makes Lost so awesome. Okay, so we're all one big group, but then Zoe shows up and reveals that they have boom boom power. Then everything falls to shit basically. Sawyer has a plan to get away, Claire is abandoned, FLocke wants to fight, Sayid isn't sure if we wants to kill Desmond! AHHHH! So much happening at once! I am happy though that this week we got to see more of the characters we haven't been seeing much of like Kate and Sawyer.

Okay, from FLocke's angle. He is all evil. I do not believe for a minute that he is the good guy and Jacob is bad. From calling Locke a sucker to telling Jack he was just trying to get him to water (yeah...ok!), I don't like him. At all. I think a lot of what drove this episode is the fact that maybe Sayid and Claire can be redeemed. I don't think Sayid shot Desmond, and I think somehow Desmond is acting like the new Jacob, even though he isn't a candidate. I don't know, but I think the INFECTION can be cured. Claire was brought on the journey, and I think it will help her. Good for you, Kate!

Now from Jack's angle. Jack is the new Locke and I love the changes it has made to his character. He is sentimental, so caring, and has a deep new faith for the island that we haven't seen before from him. It's very weird to hear him say that "the island isn't done with us." Not gonna lie. But I like it! Sawyer has become lilke Jack now and that isn't as nice to see. I don't know what jumping off the boat will lead to for Jack (except more boom boom time), but it might be something we have never seen before.

Okay, the last thing I want to say is how amazing Jin and Sun's reunion was. So beautiful! I couldn't help tearing help. It was one of the most magical things ever. And then the guns come out...
Unfortunetely, there's no new episode next week. But the week after next come back and there'll be a new Lost blog!


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