
Monday, April 19, 2010

Performance Weekend

Hi everyone! We're really getting down to the wire on basically everything here. Summer is almost upon us, and then it's time for all new amazing adventures. But for now, let's stick to the ones we've got.
This was a fun weekend chock full of performances! On Thursday and Friday Music Makers sang at a benefit dinner for a group going to Tanzania and the diversity dinner honoring seniors at Champlain College. Let's just say there was a lot of African music being sung, but that is of course the best music to sing! You gotta love African tribal music. The words are just so much fun to roll off your tongue and you can basically sing very strong and powerfully. It's awesome.

Then on Saturday was the opening night for The Magic Table, The Gold Donkey, and the Cudgel in the Sack. My parents came earlier in the day and we went out to dinner before the show which went SPECTACULARLY! It was so much fun and the audience loved it! Erin and her fiance Jason came to see the show too and it was so awesome to see them and have them there supporting me. I was one happy theater student. Sunday was the second performance which was perfect. It was one of those rare moments on stage when everything goes exactly the way it's supposed to. Everyone was awesome in the one act festival and all deserve standing O's! Fantastic job everyone!

I guess now that the show is over I can post this secret covert picture I took of my costume!

And once again, we are back to reality. And this Spanish homework needs to get done. So I'm off to heat up some soup and get it done. Talk to you soon!

P.S. Tomorrow night is the official Music Makers concert, and it's the Madonna episode of Glee, and my parents are coming with mac 'n cheese and cake for my dad's birthday. know it's gonna be awesome.

Peace out!


  1. Like, times a million.

    Those red socks/stockings/whatevs are the shit.

  2. hahahaha they're actually full length tights and thanks :)
