
Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Computer

If you are reading this, then you must believe that there is some hope to keep our relationship alive. I am so sorry for the way I have treated you. Yesterday when I said all those horrible things, I didn't mean them. I was angry and those empty threats to throw you out the window or smash you with a sledgehammer meant nothing. I'm so sorry that you fell off the bed twice yesterday and that I kept you up until 3 a.m. working on my english paper. I'm so sorry I did that to you. You didn't deserve any of that.

I feel hopeless because I feel like I'm losing you, and it's all my fault. Some of the things you have done lately have made me very upset, and I can only think that I have caused this anger in you. You block me from the internet, send me false virus warnings, you say horrible and mean things, you wouldn't turn on yesterday when I needed you.

We need to stop this back and forth struggle. We both need to sit down and hash out our feelings. It would extremely beneficial to this relationship that I truly do not want to lose. We've had so many good times together, and done so many things. Remember when you came with me to Florida? How about all those episodes of Lost we watched together? I promise I will treat you better...if you will have me.

Once again, I am so very sorry. Please, call me when you're ready. I'll be sitting by the phone.

Yours forever (or until you won't turn on anymore),
Ryan <3


  1. Oh no!!! Hahahahaha!!! That's halarious. But I love it. :)

  2. you wrote an apology note to your computer!? I don't get you at all but it was funny.

  3. I was trying to rectify my actions to my computer because it was being stupid and i thought it was terribly mad at me :( hahahaha <3
