
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Haunted Dorm

This post is dedicated to Henry who apparently is the ghost who haunts my new dorm Converse Hall. After moving in on Sunday, I went over to 308 and I checked out this book that Ashley has called Haunted Burlington. Guess what building is on the cover? Yep, you guessed it...Converse Hall. Of course. So apparently there was this kid named Henry who went to UVM back in the 1920s. He was a very insecure kid who got so stressed out by college stuff (who doesn't) that he hung himself in the attic of the building.

Yeah, it's pretty creepy as this picture shows...even though I love it.
Flash-forward to the present, or move in day to be exact when Megan, Ashley, and I took a trip up to the top floor (right above my floor) where the kitchen is located. The place looks like it used to be a children's playroom basically because there's a mural of the campus on the wall that looks like it was painted by a six year old. That place is sketchy. Then, that night, my mirror fell off the wall where I had taped it, and my Rent poster also flew off the wall. (I tacked those events on the scorching hell-heat we've had the past week and poor tape quality.) Then today, as I walked into the creepy kitchen to wash my dishes, I heard something that sounded like the floor squeaking with footsteps right outside the door. I hurried and ran down the stairs. Needless to say, my dorm is creepy. I still love it though. I love the privacy, how quiet it is at nighttime, having my own space, and being so close to everything on campus. I'm not leaving any time soon.

Peace out!


  1. I heart your dorm. especially the attic that looks like it used a playground but then all the children *died* because really that's what it really looks like.

  2. I am posting late here. I am a UVM Grad 1982, but an old fart just turned 70 so I am seriously considering after I flicker out joining Henry. Converse just has to have more than one ghost.
