
Friday, August 13, 2010

Peeing Dogs, Five Pound Burritos, and Other Disgusting Things

Sorry I haven't blogged in, like, forever. Life has been absolutely crazy especially because at work everyone is on vacation, so I've inherited everyone's forgotten hours. Not that I don't love the money that's coming in, but it's getting to the point of ridiculous. On top of that, the QNEK show Curtains is opening tonight so rehearsals have been intense and long to say the least. Jake also started coming to rehearsals because he is going to be the assistant lighting god for the show. Kate Ruggles and Ashley Audette (two amazing friends from LI theater) are also starting to come because they are going to be working on the tech for the show. It's really starting to piece together, and I couldn't be more excited, but I also couldn't be more exhausted. Anyway, as a token of my return to the blogosphere, here is a journal of gross/interesting things that have happened to me in the past couple of weeks:

Saturday, July 31st, 2010: About three weeks before this date I promised my neighbor that I would take care of their two dogs and two cats for the night before their real house sitter arrived for the week. Cool. Extra money. Also on this day, Kat and I had planned to put on a Very Potter Musical Party in celebration of the sequel release. (If you do not yet know the amazingness of A Very Potter Musical, click here) Also that night, Lynn was having us perform at the Westmore Community Center at a variety show to advertise for Curtains. So, at two o'clock I rushed out of work, threw the dogs outside to pee, ran around doing stuff around the house, had a five minute shower, threw on clothes, rushed the dogs into their kennels while two terrified cats watched from a distance and ran out of the house to pick up four people and go to the party. Once at the party, I received my missing costume pieces for my Professor Quirrel costume (it was a costume party). This involved me strapping a dummy to my back.

The party was very fun even though Carol, Lissy (Lynn's stepdaughter who is also in the show), and I had to leave fairly early. Carol made butterbeer though which was out of this world amazing. Anyway, this entire time during the party, the performance, the ride to and from; I was nervous about the dogs peeing in their cages because my neighbor told me they can only last about five hours. It was borderline six. I don't think I've sped so much in my life on the way home. I raced into the house only to find that my mom had come to let the dogs out. Okay. So I changed and started watching Grease 2 on ABC Family (worse movie ever, but there's always entertainment value in laughing at it) when one of the dogs decides it's cool to come over and start humping my arm. Awesome. No thanks, I don't roll that way. Anyway, it was an eventful night to be sure.

Friday, August 6, 2010: During a full 40 hour work week which included cleaning up a giant grease spill which night crew decided wasn't important enough to take care of, some of my friends and I decided to go to this Mexican restaurant in Littleton, NH to get 5 pound burritos. No joke. It was one of those eating contests like Man vs. Food kind of deals. These things were massive.

In the end, I only ate half of the burrito which was entirely enough. It was full of beans which caused some unpleasantness towards morning. That night was fine, I even ate a Reeses about half an hour after the fact, but that morning at work was awful. I almost threw up. Well, that's enough of that.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010: Eden's Birthday! I had to go with the techies early to rehearsal this day so they could do a tech run through. Later, I was asked to go make a group order at the Derby McDonald's. 20 minutes later, I was leaving with a massive, almost 60 dollar group order that consisted of four large bags and nine drinks. I think the employees were very pleased with me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010: Last night. Final dress rehearsal. During the rehearsal, the resident bat that likes to make its home in the fly space of the Haskell decided to descend upon us while we were running through the show. After one scene, it vanished. An hour later when rehearsal was over the director, Susan-Lynn, asked me to carry a box of muslin down to her car. I rode the elevator down to the bottom floor, got off, and found the bat. The creature flew out of nowhere right near my face. I shrieked and dropped the box in an effort to defend myself against the vile thing. Meanwhile, Kat is grabbing a butterfly net to catch it.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this account. I hope to see you all at Curtains!

Peace out!

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