
Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day and with 9/11 being only a week ago, it's had me thinking about a lot of things political (or maybe it's the atmosphere at UVM, it breathes political protest). One of which, actually one of the biggest that really has been plaguing my mind for quite awhile, is the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque" that is being proposed for New York City. This "mosque" is supposed to be built near the site of the World Trade Center. The building in question, however, is NOT A MOSQUE! What is being proposed is a community center with a basketball court and swimming pool. And yes, on the top floor there is going to be a prayer center for Muslims. Another fact that has been blown entirely out of proportion is that this "community center that the media has sold as a mosque" is to be built right next to Ground Zero. IT'S GOING TO BE TWO BLOCKS AWAY. Do you know how far away that is? It's quite a distance. People need to get over it. If we as closed minded Americans do not let a community center be built because it is pertained to a single religion, we are giving in to the extremist terrorists. It's saying-"yes, we are going to judge an entire group of people because of a few radicals." The same thing has happened to my religion, Christianity. Because of radicals and extremists, the entire religion has been judged. This needs to end. Wouldn't it be a stronger image if we as one people can rise above this hate and judgmental attitude and tell terrorists that we do not care what they do-we will stand for who are?

In tandem with this topic is that fact that before September 11th of this year, a Florida Baptist church said it would hold a "Burn a Qur'an Day" is memory of 9/11. Honestly? That's what we will do in the face of terrorists? Fuel a fire of hatred? Show them that they are right? Really? And when President Obama condemned this, the church said it would end it's proposition. Guess what, another church, the Westboro Baptist Church from Kansas said it would take the initiative in this horrible act. This is wrong on so many levels I can't even begin to describe. Not only that, but it goes against everything Christianity is about. My belief is that Christianity is inherent love because God has love for all his people. How can a church condone this kind of action in the face of Christianity, in the face of love?

Maybe if America actually still stood for its Constitution, then maybe Constitution Day would still hold some weight. In these moments, I'm not very proud of my country and some of the people who live in it. That does NOT mean that I hate America (jeez, I can see the FBI coming after me now). I am so grateful I live in a country where I have the opportunities that I do. I understand the value of freedom, but is that what America is standing for right now? I would like to think that I stand for what America originally stood for: love, tolerance, respect. Maybe we should reflect on that during the time of September 11th and Constitution Day.

Quoted from RamenXBaka (Youtube):

The new mosque is not in the least disrespectful in fact did you know there were two mosques inside the WTC? So stop your bigotry, and learn what America is about, do your homework.

Peace out!

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