
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monologue Jukebox

Things are starting to add up. And when I say "add up," I mean roll into a ball of perpetual all nighters, stressfulness, and crying, but I like it! Wow, am I a masochist? No, but I'm really happy because a lot of good things are happening. I mean, I'm sick with a cold which really isn't such a good thing, I'm taking cold medicine though and eating cough drops and vitamin C drops with lots and lots of water so hopefully that won't be too much of a problem.

But...the thing I'm really most excited about is that I've recently been cast in a play! I'm going to be in UVM Theatre's 20th annual Christmas show, The Toys Take Over Christmas. I'm so excited. It's like my prayers have been answered---I finally get to be in a show again. My faith has been restored, well, sort of...more like my emotional well-being. Things are really looking up, I just wish my planner and time would hold up for everything I have to do and everything that's happening. It's very hard to keep track, and sometimes life has to go on the back burner to get things done. For example, a flu shot. I need one and UVM is giving ones at a clinic. Do I have time to go? No. Especially now that I'm sick I can't get a flu shot. See what I mean? Life is pesky, but I'm so happy that I get to have theater in my path like a bright shiny path leading to pure awesomeness.

Speaking of theater, the past two weeks UPlayers has held a Monologue Jukebox in the middle of UVM campus to raise money so we can put on our major production and buy supplies for other productions. Basically you pay a dollar and pick a monologue, song, or dance, and we perform it. The event was actually very successful this year, and I ended up dancing the Single Ladies dance eight times (just six times today). And hey, we had an article written about us! I also sang a happy musical song in the library courtyard which was really fun. I felt like I was in an Improv Everywhere skit. It was really fun acting, being in a real place afterall not imaginary like in a theater. It must be how actors feel in a movie musical. It was so much fun to belt into the sky.

Peace out!

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