
Thursday, October 7, 2010


Screaming can be such a fantastic emotional release. Not only for the person doing the screaming, but also for the others around that person, especially when the scream is hilarious. It can be, oh, say, Megan losing her flip flop and suddenly outbursting on the front lawn of a middle school on our way back from Champ Farms in a rain storm. It could be Ashley when I tickle her feet or me after she kidney shots me in the back. Just an instinctual reaction, of course. It might be me playing King Creon in my group's scene project for Dramatic Analysis. Or it could be Stanley Kowalski screaming for STELLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just had to read and watch A Streetcar Named Desire for Dramatic Analysis so I have Marlon Brando on the brain. Screaming is such a release of emotion that it can be entirely therapeutic. Seriously. Try it sometime. Just let out a scream when something happens. You'll feel so much better.

I think that might be why I love acting so much. It's an incredible release. All that pressure, any emotion you have, can be released just like that. Acting may be even more therapeutic honestly.

Something to think about.

And for those of you who haven't see A Streetcar Named Desire, here's for you to catch up:

Peace out!

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