
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Toys 2010

Last weekend, my Christmas season truly began. It was Toys weekend. Six weeks of rehearsal, a straight back, tight knees (I was one of the toy soldiers), dancing, singing, and line rehearsals led up to last weekend. Six shows. One weekend. Go.

Each day started at 7:30 for breakfast in the theater, then makeup, then warm-up, then costume. Then the cycle started all over again two more times for two more performances. I have never been so exhausted in my life. I wouldn't have given it up for anything. It was one of the best theater experiences I've ever had in my life. Absolutely some of the most fun I've ever had. The children were adorable because they actually believed we were toys and this was the toyshop. Their faces when they got to see Santa were brilliant. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was Saturday and Sunday at the six o'clock performances when I was so tired I started believing in the toy shop myself. Honestly I don't think I would give up this experience for anything.

Thanks to the cast and crew of Toys for this amazing experience! You guys are truly amazing people and I had so much fun getting to know all of you. An excellent weekend that I'm still recovering from even through finals.

Peace out!


  1. aw, I'm sorry I couldn't have seen it. It looks wicked cute.

  2. Ryan it looks incredible! wish i could have been there!
