
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things Are Getting Hairy!

Taken on Sunday, one week and four days from opening night:

So, yeah. My hair's getting pretty long.
I hope everyone survived the crazy thundersnow we had last night. It was crazy! Whooda thunk that there could actually be thunder and lightning during the winter? It was like end of the world weather...and it's only 2011! Jeez, at least wait until the scheduled time world! Anyway, I had a pretty fantastic weekend. After a very LONG rehearsal, my parents came over to go out for my birthday (which really isn't until next Sunday, but that's tech day for Twelfth Night, and why not celebrate all month? I'm worth it!) They brought me the iTouch my grandparents got for me for my birthday. I love that thing! I can do everything with it. I'm starting to wonder how I survived without the iTouch. The only left to do to christen it is to give it a name...

After the thundersnow, UVM campus turned into an artic wonderland with snowbanks in the paths that you have to climb over, giant icicles, and ice everywhere.

It was absolutely beautiful, and Megan and I decided to enjoy it. Basically this entailed randomly jumping into snowbanks, and "Bracing for Impact." Inside joke...sorry...

Of course, Sunday was Superbowl day, but it was also the day of the re-premiere of Glee! So, Megan and I decided to throw a not-so-Superbowl party that was basically us waiting for the Superbowl to be over so we could watch Glee. We decided to go all out and make a fantastic dinner: Tacos!

We even made our own salsa with tomatoes which we chopped and pureed with peppers and garlic. It was really good even though it was missing something. That's okay, we'll work on it.

The meat smelled SO GOOD!

Look at that! How could you not pass that up?
That was my weekend. How was yours? What did you do for the Superbowl? Hope you all have some fun in the snow!

A giant sat down here...
Peace out!

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