
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dobra Tea

Okay, I'm going to put it im simple terms: if you are physically able to, go to Dobra Tea. This place rocks! Tonight, Megan and I decided we wanted to go on a sibling date, and I was paying because I owe Megan a lot for all the times I mooched off her in high school. Now that I'm rolling in bank, it's my turn to treat her. So I decided to take her to Dobra Tea. I had heard a lot about this place from tons of people, and I had seen the outside and heard lingering Buddhist awesome soothing music coming from the front door, but now I wanted us to experience the awesome ourselves.

We entered the Dobra Tea with high hopes. I mean, how can you go wrong with awesome loose-leaf tea and Buddhist asian atmosphere? You can't. So, we were seated in the back on this platform with pillows and a small low-sitting table in the middle with a solitary candle providing a beautiful aura (yeah, I'm getting fancy now). We ordered a Chinese green tea (I can't pronounce/remember the name), a Jerusalem pita (basically middle eastern fried dough but with a pita), and Czech honeybread (really good!). It was a delicious and enlightening experience.

And now onto something BIG...registration is tomorrow. I'm scared and nervous. It's so hard for a freshman to get into ANYTHING so this should be interesting especially because all of the classes I want are filling up. I have already had to come up with like four backups because all of these classes are being filled. It's ridiculous. I have learned a couple of things from some helpful theater kids though:

1) The system may crash halfway through registration (why are
there no freshmen?)

2) I need a backup for my backups for my backups (great...)

So it's pretty scary. Wish me luck!

Peace out!

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