
Friday, November 20, 2009

This Really Happened

One of the funniest experiences happened to me today. My roommate Joe and I were walking down the sidewalk in the central campus of UVM today. We were talking about the name of the main character in Assassin's Creed 2, the awesome new video game Joe just got and has been playing religiously (for lack of a better word). His name is Eccio, and I thought it sounded a lot like the word Accio, the summoning spell from Harry Potter (SEE BLOG ENTRY: I'm A Nerd).

So then Joe and I began naming off random Harry Potter spells. I believe I won with Avada Kedavra, the killing charm. This then reminded me of the end of the seventh and final Harry Potter book. Here is the account of what happened:


ME: I don't know, I think the end of the seventh book was kind of anti-climatic when Harry killed Voldemort. I mean, it was just, "Avada Kedavra, Expelliarmus!" Dead.
JOE: Yeah...
RANDOM GUY BEHIND US: What!? Harry kills Voldemort?!?!
ME: Umm...yeah...
RANDOM GUY BEHIND US: Watch where you fucking say shit like that!
ME: Okay...

Yeah, so neither of us could believe that that just happened to us. I mean, read a book. I think the guy was just messing with us, but still...It was hilarious anyway. One of the best moments ever.

Also what happened today...I registered for classes! That was very stressful and I have been basically forced to take 17 credits this semester because the only class I could only take was the spanish class which is a four credit class on top of the 4 credit theater lab I got (YAY!). But I guess I can handle it all. I am going to keep checking in and see if anything else opens, because it's kind of ridiculous. I have to replace it with something because otherwise I'm not going to have enough credits, but as of now, nothing is open. Awesome.

Peace out!

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