
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So apparently yesterday the weather decided it wanted to switch dramatically to January. It was like God flipped a giant switch from SPRING to FREEZE YOUR A$$ WINTER. The day before yesterday, I was wearing shorts and a t-shrt. Yesterday, I was wearing a winter jacket. Today, I still wore a winter jacket. Wow...

It was crazy but it was pretty fun to play with snow again.

On another note, I finished my flat on Tuesday which looks so cool! Things are starting to wrap up here. Megan and Ashley are leaving on Saturday. Megan is finished with her finals and Ashley is almost done. Velvet is staying in Burlington because next year she is going to be a Peer Advisor and she has to stay for a week of training. I don't know what I'm going to do without my girls...Megan and I will see each other this summer but not very often. At least not as often as we do now. It's going to be hard to coordinate everything.

I still have to finish a Spanish composition (did my presentation today), an English paper, the final touch-ups on my flat, and three exams...then I'm free. I'm also singing at the UPlayers Caberet night, so that should be really fun. I don't know how I feel about this summer. Once again, I REALLY don't want to go back to work, but I am really excited to be in this play at the Haskell Opera House for QNEK. I have told you about that right? Well, you can check out for more info, but I'm really excited about that. I'm also extremely pumped to go to New Orleans to accept this award with Bess and Annalise. I'm just nervous about it all coordinating together. It's nerve-racking. Plus, I always get incredibly bored and dragged down during the summer, like, my job...that's not my life. School, college, theater...that's my life. Hopefully being in the play and everything will make it better.

Hope you are all having a good end to the semester!

Peace out!

Monday, April 26, 2010

24 Hours

This weekend was the Red Eye Festival at the Royall Tyler Theatre. For those of you who don't know, a Red Eye Festival in theater is when a group of people (a writer, a director, and various actors) work for 24 hours straight to write, direct, and perform a ten-minute or so play. It was so much fun, and everyone's shows were so amazing!

It began at 7 p.m. on Saturday when we kicked off the festival with a pizza party and talking with our groups. Our writer (Zoe!) had a pretty clear idea of what she wanted, and I was to be the director. Our writer also wanted me to act in the play because she wanted a third cast member and a guy to be in the show. The play was a comedy set in a mystical world where one lonely girl gets trapped, thinking she'll never find the man she loves, but does she really need to be in a couple to be defined? Anyway, I ended up playing her asshole boyfriend, a douchebag of a concierge and a very annoying maitre de. It was awesome.

Our writer stayed up all night, finally sending the script out at 6:30 a.m. We decided to meet at 8 a.m. at the theatre to start rehearsing for the day. The door, however, was locked when I got there quite out of breath. You see, I woke up at 7:20 a.m. when my alarm went off at 308, but then I fell back asleep, waking up at 7:40 a.m.! Needless to say, I made it to the theatre by 8. I'm not sure how, happened. There was running involved. That's all I'm going to say.

Seeing how the theatre was locked, we decided to go to one of the actor's dorms (Ashleigh!) to work on the show and start blocking/making props. It was the first time I had ever been in UHeights on campus and it was absolutely gorgeous. I was kind of jealous and wondered why I hadn't accepted UVM's offer to get into the honors college so I could live there. Then I remembered...right, I don't want an extra class!

We kept making props, then we had lunch, and went back to the theatre where we rehearsed some more (can you see a pattern developing here?) until it was time for the Spring Candy Hunt! Allen, the costume guy at Royall Tyler held an awesome easter candy hunt around the UVM green. Just picture 30 theater students running from the theatre, across the road, and onto the green screaming for candy. It was that awesome. I had a plastic shopping bag that was absolutely full by the end of the whole thing.

After more rehearsing, and a quick run to 308 to grab more props, it was time for the dress rehearsal. That was rough. We were kind of nervous based on how horribly the dress rehearsal went. We were missing props, costumes, cues, lines, etc. It was crazy but then it was showtime. That quick. After throwing stuff altogether, we had a very good show. To top it all off, Megan suprised me by showing up in the audience, with a bouquet of flowers. I was expecting her to go to the Music Makers dinner at Becky's house which was Sunday night, but there she was. That's why I love her.

All in all, it was a classic weekend full of theater. Thank you to everyone who was there and who made it such a spectacular experience!

Peace out!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Episode 613: The Last Recruit

Yet another awesome episode bringing us closer and closer to the series finale. Before I start with the thinking and analyzing, let me show you how awesome my flat looks (and I've finished it since this. Just have to put finishing touches and then I'll show you the final product):


This episode was basically everyone-centric with the flash-sideways bringing us closer and closer to some sort of climax and everything on the island following suit. I love how the flash-sideways are bringing everyone together and Desmond is now basically working as the new Jacob. He is bringing everyone to their true destiny, and showing them that this life is not where they're supposed to be. Except for Hurley's flash-sideways last week, I think this week's was the best so far. Here's where everyone is at right now:
Jack (and David), Sun, Jin, Ben, and Locke are at the hospital.
Sayid, Sawyer, Miles, and Kate are at the police station after Sayid's epic arrest.
Claire, Desmond, and Ilana are/were at Ilana's lawyer office (what!? it was good to see Ilana again though after her little boom boom time). Also, it was awesome to see Claire and Jack get introduced to each other again.

So I think the flash-sideways are going to come to an epic point fairly soon. I don't know how it will tie in with what's going on on the island, but that's what makes Lost so awesome. Okay, so we're all one big group, but then Zoe shows up and reveals that they have boom boom power. Then everything falls to shit basically. Sawyer has a plan to get away, Claire is abandoned, FLocke wants to fight, Sayid isn't sure if we wants to kill Desmond! AHHHH! So much happening at once! I am happy though that this week we got to see more of the characters we haven't been seeing much of like Kate and Sawyer.

Okay, from FLocke's angle. He is all evil. I do not believe for a minute that he is the good guy and Jacob is bad. From calling Locke a sucker to telling Jack he was just trying to get him to water (yeah...ok!), I don't like him. At all. I think a lot of what drove this episode is the fact that maybe Sayid and Claire can be redeemed. I don't think Sayid shot Desmond, and I think somehow Desmond is acting like the new Jacob, even though he isn't a candidate. I don't know, but I think the INFECTION can be cured. Claire was brought on the journey, and I think it will help her. Good for you, Kate!

Now from Jack's angle. Jack is the new Locke and I love the changes it has made to his character. He is sentimental, so caring, and has a deep new faith for the island that we haven't seen before from him. It's very weird to hear him say that "the island isn't done with us." Not gonna lie. But I like it! Sawyer has become lilke Jack now and that isn't as nice to see. I don't know what jumping off the boat will lead to for Jack (except more boom boom time), but it might be something we have never seen before.

Okay, the last thing I want to say is how amazing Jin and Sun's reunion was. So beautiful! I couldn't help tearing help. It was one of the most magical things ever. And then the guns come out...
Unfortunetely, there's no new episode next week. But the week after next come back and there'll be a new Lost blog!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Never To Dance Like A Boy

Hey! Today was a pretty awesome day. We started watching a movie today in my english class and I didn't have normal Spanish class because I had an oral interview examination instead. I think it went pretty well, at least I think I did better than my partner, which is a good sign. The rest of the day was spent enjoying a couple different and awesome activities in the spring sun.

First I went with Ashley and Velvet to Champlain's Spring Meltdown which was a spectacular good time. There was a blow-up obstacle course, food, music (BAD music), games, tiny bikes, and a giant ring of foam that was very fun to play in even though you come out very wet. I think Lady Gaga's next music video should be her in a foam bubble pit like that. I felt very Gaga while in there. I'm not sure why.

Then we all went to Megan's final work study party. It was really fun because we're all basically friends there. We got to eat really good food, especially the "Hawaiian Megan Meatballs" that Megan's supervisor Angela made. Meg's daughter Mya was there too, and we had a wicked dance party on the porch of Career Services. That was when the best moment of my day happened. Mya taps on my arm and says:

"No offense, but do you know how to dance like a boy?"

As Velvet walks away laughing her ass off, all I can simply answer is:


Peace out!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello hello hello! It's another lovely spring day here in Burlington, VT. Last night was the Music Makers spring concert and it was pretty awesome. Granted, our audience consisted basically of almost less people than are actually in Music Makers, but I think everyone still had a good time, and we sounded fabulous.

My parents were also here last night and after the concert they came over to 308 for Glee night. (We watched Glee instead of Lost again so the Lost blog will be up once we watch it!) My mom brought mac 'n' cheese with hotdogs in it and cake because it's my dad's birthday today. Needless to say, we had a very good time with them, and we might have scared them a little with our crazy 308 antics.

They left just when Ashley was beginning to throw easter eggs at Velvet; Megan and I were hiding under the blankets. "Bye! Love you! Drive safe!" Then all of this happened:

It was an Easter grass fight of epic porportions. I even got to wrestle Velvet:

It was a very fun 420. And no, we weren't playing with THAT kind of grass, just Easter grass.

Peace out!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Performance Weekend

Hi everyone! We're really getting down to the wire on basically everything here. Summer is almost upon us, and then it's time for all new amazing adventures. But for now, let's stick to the ones we've got.
This was a fun weekend chock full of performances! On Thursday and Friday Music Makers sang at a benefit dinner for a group going to Tanzania and the diversity dinner honoring seniors at Champlain College. Let's just say there was a lot of African music being sung, but that is of course the best music to sing! You gotta love African tribal music. The words are just so much fun to roll off your tongue and you can basically sing very strong and powerfully. It's awesome.

Then on Saturday was the opening night for The Magic Table, The Gold Donkey, and the Cudgel in the Sack. My parents came earlier in the day and we went out to dinner before the show which went SPECTACULARLY! It was so much fun and the audience loved it! Erin and her fiance Jason came to see the show too and it was so awesome to see them and have them there supporting me. I was one happy theater student. Sunday was the second performance which was perfect. It was one of those rare moments on stage when everything goes exactly the way it's supposed to. Everyone was awesome in the one act festival and all deserve standing O's! Fantastic job everyone!

I guess now that the show is over I can post this secret covert picture I took of my costume!

And once again, we are back to reality. And this Spanish homework needs to get done. So I'm off to heat up some soup and get it done. Talk to you soon!

P.S. Tomorrow night is the official Music Makers concert, and it's the Madonna episode of Glee, and my parents are coming with mac 'n cheese and cake for my dad's birthday. know it's gonna be awesome.

Peace out!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Episode 612: Everybody Loves Hugo

Yay! We finally watched this episode! Sorry this is so late, but we finally got a chance to watch this episode all together. Now, I know I said that "Dr. Linus" was the best episode so far, but now we have a new best episode! This one was absolutely amazing. But before we go into all that, I had my room selection today and my dreams have come true. I got my single in Converse! WHOOT!

I'm living in a castle next year!


This episode was Hurley centric as the title indicates which is obviously a play on the season 2 episode "Everybody Hates Hugo." This episode lives up to everything Lost is. It was beautiful, and it seriously advanced the plot. The flash-sideways seem to be coming to a point. Desmond is working to bring the passengers of 815 together again by helping them remember their other life and destiny. Libby and Hurley reconnecting was absolutely amazing to see. Their relationship on this show has been entirely established and we really see the love they share for each other.

On island, some serious crap went down. First of all, Ilana=best Lost death ever. Her blowing up was even almost better than Nadia's death and although it was a match to Artz's death back in season 1, it was better because it was completely unexpected. I'm curious to see what this means about Jacob. Ilana was chosen and trained her whole life by Jacob for the mission of the island. Does this mean destiny is not really what it means?

Also, we learned what the whispers in the jungle are. They are the souls of people who are stuck on the island because they cannot move on. I am very glad this question was answered and it seems to make sense now with Walt back in season 2 with the whispers. Because Walt is special and can manipulate things (mainly death, I'm feeling as though he can see spirits) he was able to "communicate" with Shannon and later with Locke through these spirits. Now Michael is trapped on the island. Serves him right.

Now, about Desmond's death. I'm not sure where to place it and I'm definetely not sure what is going on with the flash-sideways and Desmond running Locke down even though it was pretty cool to see Desmond completely Nadia Locke. (Nadia is the term for someone getting run over now.) I think Not-Locke threw Desmond down the well because he knows that Desmond is important to his demise. I think Widmore is looking to defeat Smokey (as Not-Locke said, this is war) but for his own ends. Either way, Smokey needs to be defeated, obviously.

The plot has seriously been moved along especially because the two camps have now merged into one, something I definetely wasn't expecting. Everthing is coming to a climax, a war and battle of good and evil, and control of the island.

I love it.


Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yes, productivity is the key word! Things are happening and I am finally get stuff done! I just finished my history paper (Yeah, that's right Gordon Wood, I conquered your stupid Radicalism of the American Revolution) and I am so glad to have that monkey off my back. On top of that, my flat is almost done! Check it out:
So I spent a few days mixing all my paint colors that I would need for my flat.

Then I painted the entire background, blending the appropriate colors.

Today in class Jeff (my teacher) sprayed my flat to make the colors blend even more. Now I'm in the process of painting the letters, saving the hand (the HARDEST part) for last.

It looks pretty awesome huh? There are a lot of other things getting done in my schedule as well. Tonight was our first of the three Music Makers concerts we have with our final concert bring next Tuesday. Last night was the dress rehearsal for The Magic Table, The Gold Donkey, and the Cudgel in the Sack. We open on Saturday! Hopefully the rest of my work can get done this weekend as well, as 308 will be having another epic homework party.

Another thing that happened this week was that Glee returned from its stupid hiatus! Unfortunetely, it was on Tuesday night so we didn't watch Lost, so the Lost blog will be delayed. We plan on watching the episode "Everybody Loves Hugo" tomorrow night though so stay tuned!

And finally, some amazing news! Megan and Ashley had their room selection for next year tonight as well and it turns out they will be living in 308 again next year! Hurray for the dorm that has become our home and will continue to be so over the next year. My room selection is tomorrow afternoon at UVM, so hopefully soon my single room will be within reach...

Anyway, just wanted to update and let you know how things are going. Hope everything's going swimmingly for all of you!

Peace out!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What We Do During The Weekend

This weekend has been nuts. I'm going to attempt to give my side of the story on things, if you want another view check out Megan's blog ( It all started on Friday when Velvet (through the urging of her Mom) decided that she needed to visit the hospital for her ankle which has been really hurting her the past week, despite my tries to heal it by kissing it. Yeah, I'm that juvenile. I think any boo-boo can be cured by kissing. For reals, it works. I kissed Megan's papercut and the next day she totally said that it felt better. TRUE STORY.

Anyway, instead of accepting a ride from Meg Sealey (Megan's former supervisor/present academic advisor, remember?) who was completely willing to give us a ride to the hospital, we decided to instead walk to the Flectcher Allen emergency room at 10:30 at night. Awesome. So we get to the hospital (all of us: Me, Velvet, Megan, and Ashley) after bringing a whole bunch of things to do in the waiting room (Ashley basically filled her purse). Velvet was admitted right away, and we decided to play Uno (Well, Ashley and I did. Megan watched.) while we waited. It was epic and very competitive. So, while Ashley and I are swearing at each other and throwing Uno cards trying to beat each other, several people are also admitted to the one triage open in the emergency room because it was technically "after hours". This was where I became pissed.
Okay, so first came a police officer (the po-po) and a man in handcuffs (the felon). The po-po led the felon into the triage where the nurse dude promptly stuck an IV into the felon. EWWW!!! Meanwhile, this poor guy and his mom come into the waiting room holding one of the small pink hospital buckets with gauze. The man (don't read if you're squeamish) was coughing/puking up mucus and blood. I felt so bad for him because he was basically crying at his mom for help and this stupid felon guy was being treated instead in the ONE triage! In my mind, that was some horrible social justice going down in that emergency room. to add insult to injury, as the po-po led the felon out of the triage, the felon was smiling and laughing, thinking the whole stupid situation was a big joke. Finally, the poor guy was treated. I hope he's okay....

Velvet was fine even though after it had been an hour and a half, I was worried about her. They did an x-ray and everything just to tell her that her ankle was inflamed and she needed to keep ice on it and take ibuprofen. She didn't even get any cool or fun pills out of the deal. Ridiculous!

See? She's completely fine. :)

After a night of cuddling and sleeping on the mattresses in the living room, we spent all of yesterday (Saturday) doing homework and projects. Megan has this twelve pager and I have two 5 pagers due and two presentations. It's crazy craziness going down but I think we're getting a handle on it. Megan and I also ending up taking a pretty epic walk last night and we found out where the Intervale (a farming community operated by UVM) was, only we thought we were completely lost. Or in the fifth dimension. Anyway, it was fun. I also got a call from my parents telling me they went to visit my brother and his wife. They're pregnant with a baby girl and I have to say I'm really excited to have a niece. I'm already an uncle through my other brother's twin boys, but now I get to have a niece too! Awesome!

And today I had tech rehearsal for the play which opens on Saturday and we're also continuing the epic homework party. Oh, I almost forgot! This weekend we also discovered (well, Megan found it before any of us) these two girls who are absolutely amazing. They're called RINontheROX and they're harmonies are absolutely fantastic. Just see for yourself:

Let the weekend live on!

Peace out!

Friday, April 9, 2010


My calendar is so packed right now that I don't think I can shove another thing into it. Oh, and I realized that I didn't announce officially in the blog that I...didn't get a part in the play for next semester. But there are many more opportunities coming up! The journey for theatre never ends! Anyway, there are projects and papers, concerts and performances, classes and friend times all over the place and there just isn't enough space to write it all down. This of course is a stark contrast to last semester where I was mostly bored ALL the time. I'm really happy things are picking up, but I may need an adrenaline shot soon.

Anyway, along with that things are going very well. I registered for my classes for next semester this morning (got up at 7 a.m. for that) and although one of the classes I needed to take was full, and two of my courses don't really fill any requirements, but that's okay! Three of them do, and the other two will just be extra curricular which is fine by me.

Today I had my costume fitting for the play which is being performed NEXT WEEKEND. Two more rehearsals to go. The costume is amazing, really old-fashioned medieval costume with BRIGHT RED TIGHTS! YES!! I'm so excited to rehearse the show while wearing it. It will add so much to my character. Plus, it's just plain fun.

On the subject of the all the projects I have yet to finish, that is a job for this weekend. Hopefully. My wish is that by the time this weekend is over, I at least have a good start on things. Once again, hopefully. My flat is coming along nicely. I'm working on mixing my paint colors which was a very fun task during class on Thursday.

Anyway, just wanted to update. Hope you are all having a good day and are also winding down for the end of the school year. or maybe you're like me and trying to wind up?

Peace out!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Episode 611: Happily Ever After

Time to take a look at...Desmond's episode! Yes Desmond is back with a bang and it's fantastic!

Okay, this episode began with Widmore's henchmen FAILING. They kill one of their own men in a solenoid chamber with an electromagnetic event while preparing a test for Desmond that Widmore wanted to happen RIGHT NOW! Jin meanwhile is just wandering around wondering what the hell is going on. But nevertheless, Widmore throws Desmond into the chamber and asks for his help. Desmond is basically pissed. Not even because he thinks Widmore is going to kill him, but also because he's back on the stupid island! But apparently Widmore needs to make sure Desmond can survive another electromagnetic event (Swan station season 2 anyone?). But why?

This episode played out almost exactly like "The Constant" only there weren't jumps between the alternate world and reality. Also, Desmond always seems to get episodes just about his adventures. Why? Because he's Desmond. Also, in this episode the flash sideways actually meant something and I believe now we are drawing to a close on them hopefully because Desmond will be able to show the rest of the Oceanic crew that they were not meant for this life, but for another destiny (main theme of this show anyone?). So love is the key to connecting the two realities and Desmond with his infinite power to travel and view different realities and slots in time (“You’re gonna die Charlie.”) is the one who can convince and show everybody the truth. Amazing.

There were many cameos in this episode that effects what happens to Desmond so I'm going to analyze the giant flash-sideways through them:

Hurley - "Your bag's on carousel 4 dude."
Claire - "No I don't need a ride."
George - Minkowski. Yeah, he's a driver in flash-sideways world?
Widmore - It was so weird to watch Widmore and Desmond be friends and civil with each other. But it was also cool to see how Desmond's one goal was achieved is this flash-sideways world. But that is a complete foil to what Desmond really wants. That is what makes his jump between worlds possible, his true goal and his love for Penny and Charlie (his son).
Charlie - It's incredibly sad to see Charlie in the flash-sideways world because it shows us what would have happened to Charlie if he hadn't stopped using heroin and where his destructive path could have led him. But it is good to see that Charlie also recognizes that he wasn't meant for this life and he had love in another life. It was beautiful to see. Plus, that flash realization Desmond had with Charlie underwater was priceless. One of the best Lost moments ever.

Jack - "He was on our plane and now he's in the hospital?...What?"
Eloise - AHHHH! She still scares me but her hair was pretty epic. It seems as though she knows everything that is happening and for the time being she is trying to prevent the two worlds merging. But why...?
Daniel - Widmore? It was creepy with Eloise but now it's just downright scary. Leave it Daniel, the sensible one, to recognize this bridge and gap between worlds and how they were not meant for this one. Daniel provides the information for Desmond to act.

Penny - And with this we come to Penny who Desmond did finally find, bringing his consciousness back to the present where he agrees to help Widmore, but then Sayid "captures" him. Whoa... But still in the flash-sideways timeline Desmond and Penny set up a date and Desmond vows to find everyone from Oceanic 815 to "show them something." Let's bring them BACK TO THE ISLAND!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hello! I'm so excited today because my Spanish class was cancelled. Unfortunetely that means I have double the homework because this professor is basically a tyrant so...

Anyway, on to more important things. This weekend was Easter weekend, the time when Jesus was ressurected after dying for our sins. (Yes, I'm talking about religion, and yes I do believe it, truly.) I always take comfort in that this time of the year and it's a perfect time of the year to hold. It's springtime. Time when the grass is green and flowers are budding. When the sun is shining and it's basically perfect outside. How did I spend it this weekend? I did homework and went to rehearsal.

On Saturday I went to rehearsal until one and then spent my time in the Champlain college library with Megan and Velvet working on homework. I actually got quite a bit done which made me feel very accomplished. I still however have quite a bit of reading for history to get done so I can write this stupid paper. I'm procrastinating, badly. I just need to sit down and do it. I think I'm going to take this time that I have before history class now that Spanish was cancelled and work on it. See, I say that now but Cafe World on Facebook is telling me something different...I must pull away!

Also on Saturday Megan and I went to Trinity Campus at UVM to watch The Weir performed by the UPlayers. It was a great show and a lot of fun on a Saturday full of rehearsing and homework. I'm also a part of the UPlayers too so it was fun to support. Hopefully the weekend after the one acts are being performed (there are A LOT of performances coming up) I am going to be participating in a Red Eye festival, a 24 hour write, direct, and act festival. Should be fun! The performances are plentiful soon, but it should be allieviated some because I just got excused from teching for my scenery class because I'm already acting in the one acts.

Speaking of tech, my flat is coming along nicely! I spent two and a half hours in the scene schop yesterday during my lab finishing drawing the picture onto the flat

and then today I tweaked a couple more things and inked all the lines in with sharpie!

Yay! I'm so proud of myself! Now if only I can get going on this history paper...

Peace out!

Friday, April 2, 2010


hFirst of all, couple of things:
1) Hope you like the fish! They're really fun and you can feed them if you want!
2) My flat for my theater class is coming along (I hope), although there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Last week I painted it to look like half wood/half marble:

Then I had to paint the whole thing white over. I cried. But it's okay, because now I'm getting started on drawing and painted the Glee logo on it for my final project! I think it's coming along okay, but I think a lot of things need tweaking, things I just noticed as I was looking at the picture I took:

3) This weekend, Megan and I are locking ourselves in the library all day, both days (except for when I have to go to rehearsal, then I'm right back there!) to finish a crap load of projects that are coming up and there won't be much time for after this weekend. It's going to be crazy. Also on the docit for this weekend is a play and my parents coming for Easter dinner in B-town!

Last night Ashley, Megan, and I took a night walk down to Champ Farms and then we went down to the waterfront where we sat in front of One Main St. eating our Champ Farms wares and then traversing around by the railyard and all around the waterfront, taking a pitstop in the Hilton, and then going down Battery St. to Maple St. and back up to 308. It was an excellent journey.

In my history class this week we've been talking about the market revolution and how it effected trade in America. The switch from artisanship to manufacturing goods changed the way America operates and the development of the different transportation systems in American (canals, railroads, and roads themselves) opened the gateways to new trade. We used Burlington, VT as an example talking about different businessmen and how they made it rich during this age of America's history. We talked about their homes and specific business buildings still in Burlington around the waterfron that are still there today. Our professor challenged the class to find these buildings.

That's what I did during our journey back to 308. I found a lot of the buildings my professor was talking about and it made history incredibly interesting to me. It was like I was on an adventure. Megan and I also checked out houses we want to live in and came up with ideas for our future house. It was a fantastic time. And that's why I love college.

Peace out!