
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Episode 615: Across The Sea

Hello everyone! How've you been? Things are going pretty well in this neck of the woods (literally). I got my license and now I'm all set and ready to go for the summer. Everything is worked out with my boss, with rehearsals, the license has been earned, and I'm also going to be singing in a quartet this summer (something I just found out). So that's my summer, how is yours going? I think it's time for another edition of the Lost blog!


Sorry this is so late but not having the internet is really annoying. This episode was absolutely awesome but it sort of turned things on its head. At the same time, this episode connected all aspects of Lost and proved to the audience that the producers and writers knew exactly what they were doing from the beginning. The light under the island is the source of life, death, rebirth. In summary, it is an energy that contains all life. This is where the healing power of the island comes from. Jacob, as protector of the light, can harness this power (giving Richard the ability to live eternally and protect the candidates) just as F-Mom (Alyson Janney-love her!) used it to keep the twins from hurting each other and keeping them trapped on the island.

MIB built the wheel!
MIB just wants to leave the island to see the world where he came from from. The only problem is, he is now trapped in some sort of limbo, a spirit between life and death. Smokey can form into life, and can destroy life, just as the light can but he is trapped on the island. It was so awesome to see this storyline finally come full circle with the clips from season 1. That was an amazing and powerful moment. I'm trying to remember which episode it was though, any ideas? To switch gears (not really), the light is also what the DHARMA Initiative was sensing and tapping into when they were building the Swan station, it is also the power that enables the island for time travel. Basically, the light is some seriousness. I only hope it is explained further in episodes. I think it will explain certain "special" people (Hurley with ghosts, Walt harnessing his power, the ghosts of the island), and all the "strange" things that happen on the island.

It all makes sense now! (Well, in a fantastic, sci fi kind of way.) Hope the episode tonight is just as brilliant (except without Sayid, Sun, Jin, and Lapidus)!


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