
Friday, May 7, 2010


I just saw that I had reached the 90 posts mark on this blog. That's a lot of posts. It's been a long, but very enjoyable, first year of college and I wouldn't take back a minute of it. Thank you to everyone who helped me make it through, I couldn't have done it without any of you, and congratulations to everyone else who made it through their first year. Thank you to 308! Megan, Ashley, and Velvet: you guys are amazing. Thank you for filling my life with love.

To celebrate this year I decided to make a list of everything I accomplished and did this semester. Enjoy!

- I successfully kept a habitat of my own relatively clean and livable
- I kept old flames alive while making some awesome new friendships
- I found my way around the city of Burlington
- I bought a Rent poster
- I didn’t die after eating college food
- I earned a 3.94 GPA my first semester, and I didn’t fail second semester
- I managed to get Megan and Ashley hooked on Lost, while getting all of us hooked on Glee
- I managed to have my first two teaching jobs teaching workshops at the theater festivals
- I was in four productions at UVM (counting UPlayers stuff)
- I became a techie/tractor (whatever you want to call it)
- Music Makers put on four awesome concerts, and performed wicked cool Glee arrangements
- I was financially responsible
- I successfully pulled off a Sweeney Todd costume for Halloween (with Megan as my beautiful Mrs. Lovett)
- I had a very good first college holiday season
- I brought Megan to church for Christmas
- I filmed some short movies
- I went contra dancing
- I had (and fell in love with) Wings for the first time
- I discovered the wonderfulness that is Dobra Tea with Megan
- Megan and I defeated Spyro
- I got sick (and got better) multiple times
- I danced the Single Ladies dance in my director/professor/advisor’s house
- I worked
- I turned 18
- I painted a flat
- I went to my first dance clubs
- I actually enjoyed a history class
- I laughed
- I cried
- I survived my first year of college

Of course, there were a lot of things that weren't accomplished this year like making our own webisode adventures, or making a treehouse on a car and living in it, finishing our 308 movie list, or EVER meeting Velvet's family but then again there's always next year. I will still be posting this summer, it just probably won't be as often. Have an awesome summer, and I'll be seeing you!

Peace out!


  1. Awwww sweetie! I love you soo much!!! <3

    You did a FABULOUS job with EVERYTHING this year. Keep up the good work. We're gunna keep boosting each other to new heights for the rest of our lives. I'll always be stalking you, just as Velvet will always be stalking me....except I'll try not to be as sketchy about it. ;)

    Hahahha. Can't wait to move in together next year!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. awwwwwwwwwww!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I love you! i can't wait till next year either and i can't wait for you to stalk me my whole like cuz im gonna be doing the same 2 u :)

  3. u made a spelling error in your comment too. WTF?! hahahahaha why r u soooo good at this?!
