
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Oversized Comfy Sweatshirt

I feel like such a bum. Well, not exactly a bum but a homebody. No, not really a homebody but...okay, let me give you a picture of me at this precise moment: I'm sitting in my room at Converse alone in front of my computer. Papers, books, binders, clothes, and art supplies are strewn about, waiting to be taken care of and waiting for me to do homework (I have done some this weekend!). I just got back from working in the box office/running concessions for A Doll's House, which I might add is a spectacularr show...where was I?

Right. Sitting in front of my computer. I'm drinking a cup of chai tea and eating one of those microwavable soups. Sirloin burger. Yum. A box of Triscuits sits on my desk as well, an open invitation. I'm working on this blog entry while patrolling facebook and twitter. Social networking at its finest. Oh, and I'm also watching those Autotune videos because I love them so much. I'm wearing my pajamas, my hair is a mess, my glasses need to be cleaned, and I'm wearing my oversized comfy sweatshirt.

My oversized comfy sweatshirt is one of my best friends. It's always there for me. When I'm sick, it wraps me up in its warmth. When I'm tired, it serves as a transportable bed. When I just plain wanna be comfy, it's ready to cuddle. I love my oversized comfy sweatshirt, in case you can't tell.

What's this all about? Well, Megan left Friday afternoon to go home for the weekend to see her family, recharge, and basically take a break for a little while. She deserved it. She hasn't gone home once this entire semester. Granted, I only went home for one night and that was to see a show but I digress. Bottom line is, I miss her. Like, a lot. She is one of my best friends in the whole world, and I don't think I had realized just how dependant I had become of her. I love her so much and just like my oversized comfy sweatshirt, she has always been there for me. It's not like I can't take care of myself, but things are much better when she's around. I want to live the rest of my life with her by my side.

Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. You made me cry. Hahaha. "I hope you're happy. I hope you're happy now." <3

    I miss you sooooooo much. I can't wait to go in for our 20 minute hug tomorrow. Hahahha. Keep me in your thoughts! I'll be there soon. :D
