Thursday, May 6, 2010

Episode 614: The Last Recruit

It's been awhile since I've put out a Lost blog, since there was no new episode last week. Now there are only three episodes left. This is not boding well for me.

This episode was a MAJOR tear jerker! I think this episode was made and put here just to kill people off. But I know that's not true. This episode did, in my opinion, exactly what it was supposed to do. It established Jack as the new John Locke basically, and as a new man of faith. It also reaffirmed and established Not-Locke as TOTALLY EVIL. I hate that guy. I've hated him since the beginning of season 6, so all those people who were like, "Oh...maybe he's not evil:" nope. He's evil.

So, because so many people died, (Which was Not-Locke's plan from the beginning according to Jack. He just wanted to get everyone in one place to blow them all up and kill them. I seriously think it's because he can't leave the island unless all the candidates are dead.) I decided for this post to sort of make a memorial to the beloved character who are leaving us...which are the foreigners.

Sayid - the self-proclaimed "bad man" who was completely a good man on the island throughout the first five seasons then died, came back to life, turned evil, and turned back to good only to sacrifice himself for his friends and the greater good. I can't belive Sayid is gone. Sayid was one of the best characters, and one of the classics.

Frank Lapidus - with the best last name ever, Frank Lapidus served as the comedic character for this entire season. We didn't really get to know Lapidus as well as we got to know the rest of the freighter team, but somehow I feel Frank served his purpose. Thank you Frank. (By the way, don't really know if he really is dead, he may have escaped which is what I'm hoping for.)

Jin and Sun - Are you SERIOUS!? This was where I started crying. They just get reunited, Jin has never met his daughter, and now they are dead? I guess neither of them are the candidate along with Sayid. In a way, I sort of felt like their story had closure. They were over their problems with each other, they had Ji Yeon, they found each other again and reaffirmed their love, Jin learned English...they sort of reached everything that they needed to. It would have been nice for them to have lived, get off the island, be with Ji Yeon, and live happily ever after, but we don't necessarily do that on Lost now do we?

They will be missed, but with three episodes left, hopefully the pain won't last long. In my opinion, Jack is the candidate as this episode has shown us. In "The Substitute" when Not-Locke sees the boy in the jungle and the boy says, "You can't kill him." I think he's talking about Jack. There's something to think about. This episode was incredibly powerful, and I look forward to what's next.

RIP Sayid, Frank, Sun, and Jin.



  1. Love it! You have 2 spelling mistakes- "island" under Sayid's description, and "love" under Jin and Sun's. :) Just fyi!

    LOVE YOU!!! <3

  2. hahahaha thanks hun <3 LOVE YOU TOO!!!
